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excited man have a fear of something. studio shot over dark background

[Day 47: Panic attacks = Zero.]
Sweaty palms, hard breathing, pulse rate gone wild.
That horrifying feeling that you are going to die any second.
This is the story of my living nightmare which I managed to escape through a simple solution when I thought all hope was lost.
I began having panic attacks early in my life. I was in college when I had my first attack. It was in the middle of the night and my roommate was sound asleep. Suddenly my palms got sweaty and I started breathing very heavily. My heart started beating like crazy and the more I struggled to inhale air, the more I felt I couldn’t breathe.
I still remember the horrible thought that crossed my mind: So this is how I die? In a shared dorm with a roommate I barely know surrounded by law books I don’t really care about.
I thought I was having a heart attack.
I managed to scream and my roommate got up. He called an ambulance and I was rushed to a hospital. That was when I found out that I was having a panic attack. A sleepy and rather annoyed doctor called the nurses to take over and he scribbled some anti-anxiety drugs on a prescription and left then marched out the room.
Three weeks later I had already had 8 panic attacks. I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
Over the next couple of years I changed more psychologists and therapists than a girl changes shoes. I couldn’t hold a job and I was nervous all the time just at the thought that I might experience another attack. I had become someone I didn’t recognize.
And then the kindness of a complete stranger saved me from my hell.
She was a waitress at a café I used to visit. One day I had a panic attack at that café while eating some pancakes. She abandoned her work and rushed to help me. When everything was over, I was embarrassed and wanted to go home. The truth was, I liked this girl and now she’d seen how weak I was. I was mortified.
But before I did she stopped me and told me that she could help. Then she told me that she also used to have panic attacks. That was until she found a method from a therapist
The panic attacks are nothing but the expression of your survival instinct going haywire. Her simple three step solution takes less than 60-seconds and it completely de-activates the switch that causes your survival instinct to malfunction (which leads to panic attacks).
So that kind stranger (who I had a secret crush on) showed me the video which gave me back my life.

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