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Russia is preparing to launch an alternative to Wikipedia

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It is clear that the Russian authorities are not happy with what they offer encyclopedia electronic huge (Wikipedia) general information, especially what matters the State of Russia, and although there is a Russian language version of this site, but the authorities think that this is inadequate and is paid to the announcement Create alternative encyclopedia Wikipedia.

And Russia is one of the countries that practice censorship on the Internet, like a significant number of countries, but it seems that Wikipedia this time there have been criticized by the Russian authorities and in particular, the highest authority in the country and is the Russian president (Vladimir Putin), noting that Wikipedia information about Russia is not credible.

And was a presidential library has indicated in a statement quoted by the news agency Reuters that after a detailed study of Wikipedia confirmed that it does not provide detailed information and credible for destinations and regions of Russia and about life in the country, and the Russian government tried to intervene in order to modify some of the pages However, the encyclopedia that users did not Ihbzu this choice.

And this is exactly what it is paying the Russian presidential library to work on the launch of an alternative encyclopedia Wikipedia after receiving more than 50,000 documents from 27 Russian national library.
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