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Do you want an exploratory trip to the moon or Mars with Google?

هل ترغب برحلة استكشافية على سطح القمر أو المريخ؟

If you want to discover the moon's surface, or to know the topography of the moon, or to see the place landing astronauts during the Apollo flights to the moon's surface, Vgugl cooperation with the US space agency NASA, provide you with that.

But you had to do to put: Www.google.com/moon browser, and will show you the moon's surface, and also provide you with Google 4 areas to explore the moon's surface in Google Moon namely:

1. lunar surface normal vision: a map in black and white, as if you were in space, in orbit around the moon.
2-terrain map: color, each color map indicates a certain height.
3-About Apollo to the Moon: include images, audio files, videos, stories, taken from these trips.
4-set of charts.

For Mars:
Also keep in your browser Www.google.com/mars , and there are 3 areas:
1-terrain map.
2-normal vision.
3-drawn map of infrared: Heat warm areas and cold areas, clouds and dust do not appear in this map making it one of the most accurate maps show.

Note to Google maps remain in two-dimensional site, but you want to see three-dimensional you download Google Earth 5.0.

I wish you a pleasant journey of discovery

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