I have never been closer to death as I was on that rooftop.
One more step, that’s all I had to do. One more step and I would finally be free from years of suffering. And then my phone rang. My wife wanted to know if I wanted to have spaghetti for dinner.
So it struck me. I would never eat spaghetti again. I would never hear the voice of my wife again. Instead of taking one step further, I took two steps backwards. I wasn’t prepared to give up on this life yet. But I was prepared to change my therapist because, clearly, the current one wasn’t very good at his job.
- I was fighting the impulse to take my life every day and it was exhausting.
- The next day I called my therapist and cancelled our session.
- Then I called a former classmate who was a big-shot doctor to ask him to recommend me a new therapist.
He was surprised to hear from me. He delicately asked me if I had any problems.
I don’t know what made me confess to him. The next thing I know I was telling him about rooftops and struggles. He insisted we saw each other. He said he wanted to share some insights with me that could help me a lot.
He asked what I was eating regularly. That seemed odd to me, but I answered him. And then he blew my mind. He told me that my depression could be related to a hidden food allergy. Then he told me about this method to cure any type of chronic disease including depression discovered by a man called Dr. Patel.
Dr. Patel had discovered through his intensive research that 90% of the people who suffer from chronic diseases or depression have a hidden food allergy. This allergy causes inflammation of the stomach which kills millions of people every year (and how it kills you is very unusual). His treatment was about:
- Determining if you have a hidden food allergy (I never would have thought this odd method was the key)
- Curing depression and chronic diseases for good (you won’t believe how simple it actually is)
- Reversing all the damage done and getting to feel 20 years younger (this blew my mind)
For the first time in a long time, I felt a ray of hope. I couldn’t wait to get home and get started. After a couple of weeks, I felt changed. I felt joy for the first time in six years. It was a complete miracle to me and my wife. Because I had been, indeed, suffering from a hidden food allergy to grapefruits! All I had to do was remove grapefruit from my diet and everything changed. Which does kind of suck, because I loved grapefruit. In fact, I’d been eating it for breakfast every day for nearly 6 years (see the correlation?).
Today I feel no trace of depression anymore. I am finally a happy man. Although I really do crave my old favorite breakfast.