There is no doubt that news of the digital world with fun news too, and among these the Dutch company announced "E-njoint" announced the launch of a cigarette drug alkronet 100 percent legal, this innovation is not the first of its kind but new is the fact that the company launched a new taste and smell to one of the most serious types of drugs.
And the Dutch company E-njoint has announced the summer last year announced the launch of a range of electronic cigarettes, drugs legal in a number of flavors for some fruit, but the company went even further, where one year ago the Indian cannabis study and draw some organic ingredients and the taste and smell and incorporated into new innovations in order to give the user a similar experience of truth.
According to the company, the electronic cigarette drug this legal provision does not contain any prohibited substances, but which have the effect of organic matter near the impact of the original article, which may help some users who want to quit this bad habit by company, but a lot of credible studies drew attention to the great dangers of this electronic cigarette which may outweigh the risks of a regular cigarette.