About a month ago or more, spread on the Internet News new feature that Facebook Inc. plans to launch in August wath up application, a voice calls, this feature which was welcomed by the users of the application, and is already the official announcement a few weeks ago, this feature has been incorporated in certain versions of application waht up the official app, but because the plan for father Watts this feature in their application because of frustration among users, who don't know why they cannot Use free call long overdue. and what happens? How to activate this new feature? And other questions raised by the user himself. In this post we will try to answer these questions.

First, we must clarify that the service is currently not available for everyone. As a first step, has been launched in temporary versions of the application. It is already integrated into the final versions released in Google play.
I the last copy of the application, but I cannot make calls free?
Of course even if you download the latest version of the application of alwatts AP, it does not mean that you are unable to use this feature, as mentioned, not everyone has access to this feature, although the company allows sporadic use. The feature currently under test, but alwatts father you release feature in the form of instalments during different periods of time.
During this period of activation, the user receives a call from a friend already on this feature is available on your account, you will be able to activate this feature in account forever.
Do you require manual steps to activate this feature?
Many sites deliberated several ways to activate the voice feature manually but unfortunately all methods are unsuccessful or incorrect, in fact even if successful in stimulating new design that comes with this feature, you will not be able to use to connect to you just change the design of the interface. To activate this feature automatically from alwatts father.
An invitation to activate the new feature on alwatts August?
As noted previously, methods of activating new calls are received from people on this feature is available in their account. This is to make a group of hackers exploit users sought to activate this feature for Patrice O'Neal in their credit account alwatts and spy on them through fake messages as mrastlhm inviting users to test new communication feature. this dear reader not baltgwab with such messages, are viruses designed to steal your data.