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Video: first member industrial control by ideas become possible!

بالفيديو: لأول مرة التحكم بالأعضاء الصناعية بواسطة الأفكار أصبح ممكنا !

It seems that the future of the people who have lost one of their members will be brighter with the modern technologies which have terminated disability forever, where for the first time will be able to control people in their industry through ideas.

New project developed by the applied physics laboratory at Johns Hopkins and the design of the arms industry which is controlled via mechanics ideas through brain interface, which was a resounding success and a bright hope for a large segment of people with disabilities.

And has conducted the first experiments on the American Leslie Baugh "who lost his arms in a serious accident in 40 years, but with the help of researchers were provided with armrests industrial control through ideas, but this is not only a lobotomy in order to revive some of the nerves associated with the targeted muscles in order to deliver the nerve messages coming from the brain.

And through initial experiences, the Leslie Baugh surpassed the aspirations and expectations of researchers represents a great hope for the future.

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