On 30 September 2014 u.s. company Microsoft announced the launch of the beta version of the new operating system "Windows 10" and for all platforms and devices, the company announced on its website on the number of users who have tried the system in addition to other information.
10 Windows system is an attempt by Microsoft to overcome bottlenecks that have accompanied Windows 8 in addition to the qualitative judgement that came with many features including the unification of all platforms and devices rather than fashion multiple systems for each device separately.
Microsoft revealed via her blog a number of official information on the beta version of Windows system 10 including the users who tried the system and the company has indicated that the number reached 1.5 million downloads and is a number that is a record high compared with trial versions of Windows 7 and Windows 8.
The figure of 30 percent of users use the system on a daily basis, in addition to a number of technical problems that have been reported and corrected a technical problem to 1300.