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Asus unveils new phone and mysterious video thrill

Asus تكشف عن هاتف جديد و غامض في فيديو تشويقي

The Taiwanese company Asus "revealed" on a new thrill on video social networking site Facebook is a new smart phone "ZenFone" and will be unveiled officially next January on the sidelines of CES 2015 in Las Vegas, USA.

The Taiwanese company Asus revealed in teased on video social networking site Facebook 10 seconds only what appears to be a new version of ZenFone, and despite the short duration of the video it reveals an important feature in this phone.

And as it seems in the video, the new phone will unveil officially at CES Conference 2015 will come with two in the backend to join to a few phones that use this technique as an HTC One M8, and will enable the user to create 3D images in addition to other features.

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