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After Nokia Nokia N1 is a new surprise!

بعد Nokia N1 نوكيا تعد مفاجأة جديدة !

There is no doubt that many thought an acquisition on Microsoft Mobile Nokia sector would mean the end of the Finnish company, but it did not get the company announced its new tablet, but it seems that Nokia still has a lot of surprises and new smart phone.

And the American company Microsoft has dominated the beginning of the current year on mobile devices in the Finnish company Nokia, which meant many end Nokia especially after Microsoft abandoned this tag at least in smart phones of lumia.

And in the media that the acquisition agreement between Microsoft and Nokia States that the latter would not be able to manufacture smart phones until after the year 2016, the Finnish company unveiled its new Tablet Nokia N1 but it seems that this is not all.

The new image and leaked on the Internet are for the Nokia phone new Nokia C1 ", according to the sources, the new phone will come with 5 inches, an Intel processor and 2 GB of memory capacity as living and 32-GB of internal storage with two in the back delicately 8 mighabixil and 5 mighabixil.

The new phone, unlike other Nokia phones will work with the new Android.
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