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A US Court has fined the Facebook $ 10,000!

محكمة أمريكية قد تغرم فايسبوك 10.000 دولار !

Again Facebook social networking site finds himself in the dock on charges of violating the privacy of its users, which is preparing a US Court in California to pass judgment on the company has a $ 10,000 fine and because of clear messages to users in order to provide targeted advertising.

And it is known that the social networking site Facebook and since its foundation can manage access to content for users, and although the site says that it's not spy on users but also provide advertising services from and more accurate, but it seems that this argument did not convince the Court.

The case started in 2013 after a US citizen named Matthew Campbell ' lawsuit accusing Facebook see private messages content in order to provide advertising services in violation of the privacy of the users, and although Facebook has denied the charge and said it's not only that the Court was not convinced by it.

According to the website the America nextweb decided to pursue the case in the year 2015 with weights that Facebook is fined 10,000 for every affected policy vasbok may pay to abandon standards in this area.
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