Being dad, it's really a wonderful stage of life. One is caring for his end of cabbageand generally it makes us well, is that of happiness. But from time to time, wemust have strong nerves, patience, not afraid of ridicule, and especially, be readyto sacrifice themselves. Here are 31 pictures that summarize well the paternity:
1. "one of my favorite pictures of my husband and my daughter. It was not evena month on this picture. When he is at home, it is glued to him, can matter what it does! It is always like this 2 years later."
3. "Daddy let children make him a mask of spa during their evening pajamas."
17. "in the last full monitoring. No doubt, it will go nowhere."
18. "our daughter is still awake all night because she was ill. We do therefore notslept either. Both looked tired when we arrived to the doctor!"
19. "life is hard for dad and twins."
20. "this sums up our nights weekends!"
21. "Ahhh, nothing like a Princess Christmas morning NAP."
22 "papa made the NAP at the aquarium while the small consideration."
23. "baby and dad try their new sunglasses in the car."
24. "Dad made sure everything is perfect for the birthday of the small."
25 'grandfather and baby sitting!'
26. "Dad learns the selfie to his son."
27. "my son is very busy to transform paper confetti while Dad works on the computer."
29. "my daughter and my husband for her first day of school."
30. "she sleeps like a baby, literally!"
It is well known, the children are full of surprises, and often surprised dads.Congratulations to moms and loved ones for being able to capture the momentwith all these photos!