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Google developed the "CAPTCHA" to facilitate the task of the users

جوجل تطور الـ " كابتشا " لتسهيل مهمة المستخدمين

For as long as many of us encountered during the registration process in a "CAPTCHA" in letters and numbers unreadable necessitating try many times, and that many understood the motives of the use of this protection mechanism, the development became imperative and is
what I thought the Google and come to a solution.

It seems that Google this way have turned the page of Web pages, and CAPTCHA is the English word vehicle represents the first letters of the words in the phrase "Completely Automatic Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart" and is able to differentiate between humans and computer via this way.

But it seems that as the days become a burden on the user CAPTCHA with the complexity and difficulty of reading letters and numbers and that despite all the studies indicate that 99.8 cases computer can resolve the many exhaust him.

In this context, Google has created a new type of CAPTCHA but without pictures of numbers or letters and under the name "No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA", where the user will only mark the boxes at the bottom of the site, the first box to the user's favorite color and box aathani indicating that fact, not personal computers.


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