Pardon for having "spoiled Christmas for your children" but I think there arethings that should be that you realize...
1. you are sure that in there you are not, at the back?
2. you are really sure, eh? You want to go re - check for me?
Of course. It may take time, so be patient.
3. you might not recommend for me before Christmas?
4. "I really need [object out of stock], that said.
And me, I do not know really what you say.
5. "it's been long that I expect, me!"
Yes, and unfortunately, you're not the only person.
6. you could not just simply sell me one of those reserved in stock?
Pardon me? Ah yes, it is because it is you, I am willing to risk losing my job anddeprive another client of his order... Let us be serious two minutes.
7. you understand, I really need it more than the person who booked him,because...[Long story has multiple plot twists that makes you lose your time]
Shut up shut - you shut up please shut up!
8. why should I expect let me someone else help? You can-not help me, you?
No, I can't, I am putting them into rays. At the supermarket, you ask to thesaleswoman of the beauty beam to help buy a fridge, AFAIK? Isn't my job, this isnot my post, I have not trained for this and I have absolutely no idea wheremuch can be RADIUS Lego.
9 but why you no longer [object coveted, unfortunately unavailable]?
It is Christmas. You weren't the only person who wanted to buy it for his kids. Itis out of stock. That is you want me to tell you?
10 * after being violently in return by a carriage * Oh! While I have yourattention...
You got my attention? Super! Let me hobble limping until the RADIUS to betterserve you...
11. this queue is too long, I don't really have time to wait. You can not make mepass?
12. that's at least 10 minutes that I'm waiting!
Oh great, you gotta be pretty relaxed then! No, because only people who arebefore you already have been waiting half an hour...
13. but there are people who work here, or what?
Yes, here for example I am trying to deploy all my energy to restrain myself fromgetting a pie.
14. If you do not work here, why you can't you find another job?
If you do not think that I'm doing my best to help you, why you're not anotherstore?