Women distinguished and fragile? Men manly and determined? And if we were allwrong, with those shots?
Here is a non-exhaustive list which should convince you that women behave likemen and are even worst than them! Men are can be much more sensitive than one might think...
1. between them, the women often speak of sex, in a way very raw and vulgar.No detail is spared!The men do tell what is happening to the bed with their long term girlfriend, orvery little. If they talk
2. women love to kiss each other when they are packed. And when it's the day ofthe year, so there whole room happening, no matter who did what with hermouth before, coming out of a gastro or has Herpes!
The men are huge hugs and say they like when they are stuffed. Go talk aboutmanhood, after that!
3. women are ready to everything to have a man. Even to betray their girlfriends!Female solidarity is when it suits them, in the end...
On the other hand, a man would never sacrifice his mates for a woman.
4. women scratch buttocks. Well yes the strings, the lace panties... It scratches!
Men, on the other hand, can spend two hours on the shelves to choose a softand supple material for their small buttocks...
5. girls love sex scenes in movies. It is less hard than a porn movie, but we knowwell that their collection of sex toys is never far away!
Men, are sometimes surprised to shed a small tear before the tragic films...
6. in the evening, women can get in mode "man hunt" to not return alone. Theyare then able to ride 25 times of the bar where the box by despair.
Contrary to what you think, men support very well just a night to picoler withpals, without necessarily going unaccompanied. Anyway, how important,tomorrow they do recall more than anything!
7. between them, the women fight violently. Whoever coined the expression"type like a girl" was never the attend a true baston of rabid chicks... If some areconfined to the mere creping bun (admittedly hyper funny to watch), others donot hesitate to use their fists, or new fashion: their Shoe heels!
Guys, when they are not in the band, prefer bizarrely adopt the 'wisdom lane'(that is to say the leak) rather than fight. "You do as even not defended me! "Butsweetie, I going when not even beat me before you!
8. women 'forget' sometimes epilate for long weeks. When they have no man intheir lives or that they do not have the time, what good... Do take them bysurprise then, you will fall out of top!
The men shave meticulously each morning. I've even seen to epilate eyebrows,and others do not hesitate tweezers on completely improbable areas!
9. women do not hesitate to neglect their shower. When they were lazy or theysimply don't
have the time, the shower can blithely fall by the wayside!
Guys, on the other hand, can spend four times more time than they in the roombath (one wonders well what they do), and they do not hesitate to borrow thecosmetics of their girlfriend (no need to hide from you, they know, and more youtake doses much higher than they)!
10. women are independent and advocate. Left to mount their Ikea furnitureupside because they take to prove that they know how to fend for themselves...
Men are real assistance and have no remorse to call their wives whenever theyare unable to do something... When it is not their mother!
11. girls have of gastros girls fart, girls burp, girls clog the toilet... The total! Theonly difference is that they are just much more discreet and very naughty when itcomes to conceal everything.
The men... Hey uh, ok, we have not really found what offset. I must say that inthis area, they are very strong too!
So in the end, one might wonder which is worse than that? The beginning of along debate without end...