The largest alkwabs facing each other is the smart phone is lost or stolen, this device is used by some of us more than any other technical device, so this device need protection, for this there are many innovative methods that enable you to protect your Smartphone in this post you will learn each other.

Already been tested this way successfully by Apple on their laptops. Its core is the ability to remotely lock all functions of the device be lost or stolen. now the iPhone also supports this property, complete destruction of all data and personal files. This will prevent that this important information into the hands of strangers and, in General, this feature makes it impossible to work with the device stolen.

For a century, fingerprints were used mainly in Criminology. But after a few years, the phones support this feature as many picked. mobile phone manufacturers use the fingerprint lock feature and perform many operations on these phones. just as a user that is logged in the system fingerprint encrypted database to lock and control security on your phone, of course you can register more than one person to use your phone, but if the person is not registered, it will not be able to access the phone under any circumstances.

Of the popular ways to protect your phone from being stolen is to use an application launch tenbihandma a touch phone. In contrast to the above posts, this feature is available not only for high-end phones, but for all other cheap smartphones
There are also various options for each application of this kind of applications, each running an alert when the phone is decrypted from the shipper. There are also applications that alert via SMS or e-mail, and you as well as several other features such as phone lock and wipe your data or even recognize the place off the map!
The self-destruction of the phone

Already been developing this technology, but until now had not been adopted in the mobile phones industry. this method is based on providing phone special polymer, which can be dissolved when the signal is sent from abroad, so the destruction completely of the phone is unusable again.
The first phone with this feature in early April in the exhibition in Dallas, and by researchers from the University of Iowa. Before the eyes of many spectators experience this feature sends an SMS to the phone after receiving the letter has the internal components of the phone.

Two years ago, Apple filed a patent, it may be a radical solution to protect laptops and cell phones from theft. This invention is the use of the charger to store the password for accessing the device. You must connect the phone to a charger for the phone to sign in or reset your password.