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These are the strongest and most dangerous 5 groups probably originating in the world

Group of hackers, today constitute a very real threat to States and companies and global organizations. Some of these groups are funded by individual States and can be considered part of the military arsenal, and some others don't belong to them. "Yes, we are talking about professional groups have the ability to penetrate the media network, and a network of large companies, military agencies and Governments ...

هذه هي أقوى وأخطر 5 مجموعات هاكرز في العالم


On top of these dangerous groups group alanonimos famous and which received unprecedented media coverage. This group is composed of several individuals from all over the world, and its aims are often targeted, this group date back to 2003 but is known more than in 2008, when it posted a video on YouTube.

The Group carried out a lot of serious attacks against companies such as Sony, as well as States esrael. 

E-military of Syria

The world first heard of "e-Syrian army" in 2011, and this collection consists primarily of students of the universities of Syrian, and the predominant ahdfhm against hostile organizations and companies to Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad. among the victims of their attacks, the major news agencies, such as the New York Times, different accounts on Twitter.

The Group also succeeded in 2013 by attacks against the CNN account, the Washington Post and Time. When the Group was able to publish the news of an explosion at the White House and that President Barack Obama was wounded. This news caused a decline in the stock market, the Dow was down significantly.

The group "Tarh Andishan Iranian"

In 2009, the weak infrastructure of Iran after the attack the "stuxnet" worm designed to spy and to append the centrifuges for uranium enrichment on Iran's nuclear facilities. In 2012 the response of Iran to the attack led by the group "Tarh Andishan" financed by the Iranian army and included at least 50 different organizations around the world and working in the military and commercial sectors, educational, environmental, energy, aviation and space.
Believes that this group of more than 20 people, mostly from Dhahran, as well as some of its members are in Canada and the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. often the victims in the United States and Central America, in different regions of Europe and South Korea, Pakistan, Israel and some other areas in the Middle East.

Chaos Computer Club

This is similar to balanonimos in terms of principles, is the largest gathering of computer hackers in the world. The Group was founded in 1980 wettakhz Germany based and widespread in many countries of the world with more than 3,000 member group known as impenetrable to interactive video service of the German post office, as well as having stolen DM 134,000 from Bank in Hamburg before the group returns the full amount the next day.

61486 unit of the people's Liberation Army

China also fall to this list by unit of 61486 PLA, among the strongest and most dangerous groups in the world, in 2013, Mandiant Inc. published a report which concluded that the Chinese military "61398" managed to get hundreds of terabytes of data from 141 (at least) of organizations around the world.

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