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Microsoft confirms that a FREAK Attack also Windows machines

During the past 10 years and there is still vulnerability in extremely dangerous threat to users and websites even those that use the SSL protocol with a high level of security, and really became a serious gap threatens the vast majority of users of Web browsers on most operating systems in the world, having recently heard the gap is limited to Apple's Safari browser, and the Web browsers of Android's lghooghl , Microsoft also comes to confirm that Windows systems are also vulnerable to this vulnerability.

Previously we mentioned last week in the news which emphasizes both "Apple" and "Google" the gap threatens Internet browsers on systems and only days after Microsoft confirms that role.

A Freak or Factoring attack on RSA-EXPORT Keys "is a vulnerability to cause leave users susceptible to intercept encrypted communications when visiting hundreds of thousands of Web sites, including the White House, the location of the NSA, and the FBI site.

Microsoft said in a security report on its website that the loophole allows hackers to degrade the encryption software on Windows in a SSL/TLS allows an attacker in the middle between the target site servers first and second user can issue the onslaught of type "Man-in-the-middle attack" or a "man-in-the-middle attack" so the hacker of the data sent between the Web site and the user.

And Microsoft said in the report that it intends to its partners find a way quickly to provide protection to users from a FREAK Attack or attack the stranger. "

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