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Google launches Android for Work

جوجل تطلق Android for Work

It seems that Google does not want to continue using the Android system is limited only to ordinary users, but also want to spread even at the level of the professional world, and is the thing that finally pushed to launch Android for Work for workers and staff in enterprises terms will allow differentiation between what is personal and what is a professional data during the use of mobile devices.

Google was announced during the Conference for developers "Google I/O 2014" group of new solutions to provide the agreed system of personal and practical matters and allow the user to reconcile the sides during use for one platform, this solution is an application for Android Work.

This new platform the company announced yesterday by the Android blog electronics were not the fruit of work of Google alone, but participated in the development of a large number of companies both large manufacturers of smartphones and the BlackBerry, Samsung, Huawei and other big companies in various technical areas as Adobe, Cisco, and others in addition to professional companies.

Samsung also added special touched by integrating solved the "Knox" for the user's platform, the new solution will enable staff and employees of the distinction between professional and personal activities on smart phones and tablet computers so will copy professional applications known as well as showing the work and professional documents and others with a high level of insurance, and require that the user's computer operating system Android 5.0, but the device will always be A person.


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