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Discover a serious Freak worry Apple and Google and threaten millions of users

اكتشاف ثغرة Freak الخطيرة التي تقلق آبل و جوجل و تهدد ملايين المستخدمين

A group of security researchers discovered a serious loophole that enables hackers to intercept and cracking the encryption of data between users, the serious gap that was discovered recently and which target browsers both Google and Apple led the latter to hasten to provide necessary updates to users.

New loophole called "Freak" or "Factoring attack on RSA-EXPORT Keys" and more than one third of the targeted sites on the Internet so those that use Secure Sockets Layer SSL protocol and which guarantees a high level of security in the hierarchical sequence of protocols, enabling the hackers from the presence of the user in the first party of the connection between the target site servers in the other party and therefore launch an onslaught of type "attack man-in-the-Middle" or "Man-in-the-middle attack".

New discovery is the product of the work of a group of French and American security researchers and is back for more than 10 years but remained undetected, and threaten the security protocols used in browsers from Google and Apple, so use this loophole to force the browser to use low encryption levels and then break the encryption in a few hours and then access data on users from definitions and passwords.

Security researchers confirms that the recently-discovered loophole "Freak" untapped yet, but noted that the main cause of this gap is due to u.s. policy in the field of information protection prevent u.s. Government presence data encryption systems with high encryption or secure levels significantly and started applying it since the end of the 1990s, where information security standards currently exceeding.

And both my Google and Apple, which are the core of this vulnerability affected the availability of urgent security update next week.

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