Users, but sometimes the user account may be evidence for him especially thatexceeded standards turned to express positions to abuse and insult or humiliation iswhat happened with one of us in a world-class flight U.A.E..
US media on this event and the US civil helicopter technician named "Ryan was"criticized his work in the company that operates in U.A.E. and insulting criticism andinsults against the operator and Arabs on his social networking site Facebook while he was on holiday in January.
Sites of America noted that after the return of Ryan is "to work in the UAE and exactly in Abu Dhabi received a call from the local police to appear before it, and after arriving at the police station informed us that mechanical is accused of violating the law on cybercrime and the UAE after denigrating operator and that raised a complaint against him.
Ryan is checked in the first period, but is currently in prison in the case of free and trial phases will take place March 17 and is threatened with imprisonment for 5 years and a fine of up to 50,000 dollars.
And this situation recalls the need for the user's attention to everything written or posted on social networking websites and stay away from content of persons or groups.