Say goodbye to Google Talk from tomorrow

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- Finally the Transformer turns science fiction into reality
- Learn 5 ways to protect your phone against theft and robbery
- Facebook to reveal the number of employees and turnover
- For this reason the free apps are harmful to your phone!
- Curved LCD TVs from Samsung start at less than $ 1000
- New update of Skype for Android

What is fabulously Monday (CYBER MONDAY) What is the difference between him and Black Friday (black friday)?
If you arrive late or can not purchase in today's Black Friday for any reason, do not worry, you can get a…
31 photos qui auraient conduit nos parents tout droit en prison si elles avaient été prises aujourd'hui...
Voici quelques photos qui prouvent que nos parents auraient dû finir en prison... Sérieusement, comment…
Impressionnant ! 54 photos colorisées venues tout droit du siècle dernier... Celle d'Albert Einstein va vous faire rêver !
Avant les années 70, la photographie en couleur était pratiquement inexistante. Il est parfois difficile…
Here are 7 ways and tricks to impress your friends and look like a professional hacker and computer genius
If you have 10 Windows were tested in previous weeks you did not notice some new features that were…
Report: CIA trying decrypt years for iPhone and iPad!
The new report noted us specialist to "Intercept" The CIA and known simply as "CIA" has for many years…
25 problems that all cat owners know well! I confess that I, too, I did the 18...
Pirates seize $ 1 billion in the process of penetration of the banks!
It is the largest electronic piracy exposed banking sector in its multiple sources confirmed that a group…
They believed adopt a mini-cochon, but three years later it is 300kg of love they have had...
This short film shows the men what it means to be a woman sometimes... And this really goes straight to the point!
Intel surprises everyone by revealing the latest innovations
U.s. company revealed "Intel" and specialized in making processors for creating new wearable technology…
Chinese young man buys 99 phone iPhone 6 request to marry his girlfriend and young rejected in front of people
In the framework of the celebration of the day when he calls Chinese Singles Day holiday, which resembles…
BlackBerry unveils new Tablet phone Leap
If a lot of companies, the digital world has revealed the latest innovations on the sidelines of the…
Visual conditions are not what we believe they are. In fact, there’s a truth about visual…
Apple, Samsung and not violate law Xiaomi data!
If the digital world in general companies and manufacturers of smart phones in particular has been…