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Google declares war on porn content

جوجل تعلن الحرب على المحتويات الإباحية

Google announced yesterday, February 23 on the bloggers blogger platforms will henceforth publish contents (images or vidioha) explicit pornographic or blatant nudity on their sites on this platform, the new resolution is aimed at reducing this phenomenon known blogger.

Google has changed the rules for using its blogger new directions with have very little say, as pointed out in a statement to the technical support website lblogr yesterday 23 January that any blog that publishes the contents of pornographic obscene will not be acceptable to everyone, but this content in your situation, as Google will not delete the content but it will be impossible to see all users and this will be possible only to the owner of the blog and the ride and has been granted Access to it by the owner.

Meanwhile, Google noted that blatant nudity content will not be accepted, except in specific cases, including the provision of "public interest" to users, whether in technical content, educational, documentary or scientific, as Google did not explain how you distinguish between all these contents.

Google is not the first company to take stern action against pornographic and obscene content in its stand, but its predecessor to Facebook in 2011 and is what led the site to delete a large number of accounts that do not respect these ethical standards.


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