There is no doubt that the problem of charging the battery is one of the most important problems facing users of smart phones in the world, but it seems that this will not remain a problem in the near future, and we have seen in the recent past a number of promising innovations in this area, but one of these innovations is the company StoreDot.
To move the location of the famous British newspaper "The Guardian" that the experts of the company StoreDot of the Zionist entity have produced a new type of smart phones will be btarayat soon for mass production and marketing, this new battery which is expected to end the suffering of the users would be able to charge smart phones in just 60 seconds.
StoreDot company experts have reached an important discovery that certain molecules "peptide" capable of absorbing more freight, and peptide is chain of amino acids, but the new discovery the company faces a number of difficulties including the batteries cannot be used on smart phones or tablet computers currently in the market for these batteries work in harmony with components and the special charger.
To overcome this barrier, the company StoreDot entered into negotiations with the 15 companies from the smart phone manufacturers to support this new technology where the company is expected to sign a contract with two companies making smartphones before the end of this year and begin production of telephones this feature next year 2016.