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Information and pictures about new Microsoft browser Spartan

معلومات و صور جديدة حول متصفح مايكروسوفت Spartan

For some time we hear about Microsoft's work on developing a new Web browser works with Internet Explorer and will carry the name "Spartan" and while we had a few days ago on a date with photos and information about this browser, some information has clarified more in light of new leaks.

ZDnet site was dedicated and the reliable news pointed out that Microsoft is currently working on the development of a second Web browser to the browser Internet Explorer, and is known as the site a new browser with code name "Spartan" and this may not be the final name to be submitted after the completion of its development, and the new browser will be Spartan light version to work on Web applications, with detection of the BGR site exclusively to browser interface, but today the new data.

And the site Neowim revealed a leaked picture of part of Microsoft's new browser "Spartan" as the "The Verge" revealed new information regarding the features built into your browser, and including personal assistant default Cortana, developed by the company, as it is possible to take notes directly on the Web pages and then share them via cloud storage service OneDrive, in addition to other secondary characteristics.

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