Google yesterday unveiled the first of smartphones and removable units and installation as desired by the user under the name project Projet Ara will be ready for marketing by the end of the year 2015 in the State of Puerto Rico is a revolutionary step in the field of the Smartphone industry.
Google had announced its project Projet Ara recently and which is significant at the level of the smart phone technology is revolutionary and will change how people view and use smart phones and was initiated by Motorola when the Google before the latter continues to develop.
And yesterday, on the sidelines of the effectiveness on project Projet Ara company announced that the new phones of this type will start marketing them experimentally in the State of Puerto Rico by the end of this year so that users will be able to install and dismantle their phone and pick the final model who would like to get it as they wish.
The company also revealed a third form of Ara and Projet phones models will carry the name of Spiral 2, on the other hand it is expected that the price of hard case $ 50 plus the rest of the ingredients the removable installation.