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Video "Gangnam Style" forced YouTube to change standards

فيديو " Gangnam Style " يجبر يوتيوب على تغيير معاييرها

There is no doubt that the video of the famous song "Style" of Gangnam, South Korean singer "Psy" made since its launch successful rally a great addition to many records in terms of hits on YouTube, but the video of the Google
platform officials imagined that this might lead them to change the criteria for counter views on the site.

The video has Style Gangnam record unprecedented since its video platform YouTube's Google on 15 July of the year 2012 as the first video exceed 1 billion watch history in Google, and then at last may have exceeded 2 billion watching, but that's not everything.

And the number of hits this video on YouTube to 2.147.483.647 and which was not expected by anyone including administrators of YouTube as this number is the last thing can register views counter for the site on the grounds that the counter works encoded 32 bit and led officials to change the encoding to the 64 bit to increase the capacity of the meter to 9.223.372.036.854.775.807 watch and is a number no one seems to be able to ruin it soon.


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