Here is a short film that will definitely change your vision of the world... At leastfor a moment. Every day, women are faced with small insidious brands of plainsexism, and sometimes unfortunately also, even more serious events. But torealize we really? And if the roles were... Reversed?
You'll see, it's quite oppressive... But it is really worth to be seen, believe me!
In this other universe, the roles are reversed. We follow the day of a father(probably "man at home") who has to face all kinds of situations to which everywoman can be faced someday. He dressed "a little too lightly". It undergoes allkinds of small humiliating remarks, is insulting, attacking, and despite the factthat he complains to the Commissioner, it would seem almost that according tothis company, this is "his fault". Understand: He wore shorts, and a slightlyunbuttoned shirt top.
This short film of Éléonore Pourriat makes understandable fear have women totravel alone in the street. Most of the situations mentioned are unfortunatelyvery real, and I'm surprised to remember situations views (or lived) in the light.
And you, what do you think? Feel free to share this powerful video to yourentourage.