It seems that the media war between the giants of the digital world are stillongoing, and this time it is clear that the battle is between Apple and Facebook,although it is still limited to declarations between executives ' Tim Cook "and"mark zokirbirgh ".
And although each Apple and Facebook active in various sectors, they are the pioneers of the digital world in General and creating no doubt of their rivalry, which may reach a verbal Crossfire as recently especially between "Tim Cook" and"mark zokirbirgh".
And was Executive Director of Apple said earlier that some companies _ referring to Facebook _ gives its users experience but based on violation of the privacy of the users, and Tim Cook said in a statement last September that companies that offer free services on the Internet are users of your products, not as individuals.
According to the newspaper "time" the reply Marc zokirbirgh came over and was directly told to believe that prevails in snapping that models based on advertising do not respect user is silly, since he believed mark directed the accusation directly to Apple if Apple had sold their products respect you for less ".