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Learn to read tags in posters on electronic devices as any professional

تعلم قراءة العلامات التي توجد في الملصقات على الاجهزة الالكترونية كأي محترف

Too many Arabs know the importance of these tags but also read. It is very important, and your lack of knowledge may cause you problems with the authorities if you have the right to use that machine. any electronic device you purchase, there is a poster of the latter which includes many icons which have several important implications for any craftsman. In this lesson, I loved thatakrbek more of these tags in posters on electronic devices what are wemadorha.

Icon: CE

The most popular tags in electronic devices, it means that this device is identical to the European standards. Of course things that dear reader that all electronic devices that we use it, you must get approval by the importing State, this means that each State is available on the Agency/interest by regulating access to these devices, through the development of several standards must conform to them. So p CE a certificate allowing the sale and use of this device in all European Union countries.
And what I lasted thadtth the CE certificate, I will find the best of this opportunity to share with you a picture of this certificate exclusively from my library how to be original. This certificate is sent by companies to regulate the connection before allowing them to sell these alagsh in their countries.

FCC icon

Well now we understand the meaning of CE icon. Now I will bring you to another icon don't differ much from the previous icon, it means that the device, which is available on this icon sends radio waves variety may be a WiFi or blothoth of ... But it also means that the device holder of this icon allows him to play in the United States. To indicate if you will westsaml your free this icon may be exposed to problems with authorities when they want to travel, because the free consent of the Federal Communications in the United States.

Icon: (Electronic Waste (E-Waste

WEEE this tag as well as more markup on electronic alagsh which means that the alghazalhaml of this icon can be dismantled and reused in accordance with European Union standards.

Icon: CCC

China Compulsory Certificate if you find this icon on any device, so be sure that Chinese-made, as this reference means that this device has been inspected and that it complies with the safety requirements established by the Bureau in charge of safety standards. But unfortunately things that he learned that some hardware manufacturers in China laikldon devices but also the tradition of the brand. They are China, my friend until their lairhamoha:) It is not surprised.

Icon: CE R&TTE Directive

This tag must be heeded as well before you travel, for example, that the danger in this form means that this device does not allow you to have use in other States because it may violate the unimplementable. For example, some phones may be allowed to use in the United States, you are not allowed to use in France or Spain, because of the reluctance of the WiFi you are using conforms with the allowed class.

Icon: NFC

This tag is not a classic:) As its predecessor, it did not show the alamo'khra, a mark means that a device by (NFC) course may find this tag on 1,1 or in cafes and not necessarily find on your email and this may mean paying by credit cards is available on the NFC

In this post I tried to gather the most common tags, I may not have been addressed by all but if mark and know its meaning, I can explain and add them to this post

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