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Here are 5 devices to speed up your Internet connection

Day after day we are more connected to the Internet the World Wide Web which today are the need of the majority of the people of this planet as astkhedmath. The evolution of the latter requires increasingly good Internet speed, and this is the problem we are experiencing particularly developing States community. these problems especially if the connection is shared among several people, the minimum speed of the Internet is shared between 3 people is 20 MB per second, this speed is probably the most elusive. But on the whole this article will suggest you Dear Reader 5 devices to improve the WiFi signal in your House to be able to browse the Internet as quickly as possible.

اليك 5 أجهزة لتسريع اتصالك بالانترنت اللاسلكي

Strengthening the reference to access to universal coverageتقوية الإشارة للوصول للتغطية الشاملة

Certainly in our homes "dead" areas or rooms where you can receive WiFi signal enough, and this happens more when you want to surf the Internet from your Smartphone. This can happen for many reasons may or may not be in your hands, but luckily there is an easy solution is to use a device such as the TL-WA860RE.
These devices are very simple: to work to strengthen the WiFi signal in places not reached by your wireless network and your connection to the Internet is fast compared to normal mode in the main router weak signal. of course there are many different devices in terms of specs and price.

Invest in buying strong Rutterالاستثمار في شراء روتر قوي

Another step might be to think seriously about a router or router, on the market there are many redirects with different technical specifications, including the weak and the strong, telecommunications companies, especially Arabic unfortunately offers you the most vulnerable routers on the market under a free driah is really just a marketing ploy, the already weak connection. If you're obsessed, I advise you to not rely on these vectors and buy other strong specifications acceptable especially if you do not want to buy other pieces to strengthen the signal.

Exploitation of electrical cablesاستغلال الكابلات الكهربائية

Another solution you can do it astghal power cable in your home as a means of connecting the Internet to every corner of the House to do this job you will need special devices and you can find them at stores selling electronics. these devices enable you to send data through the power cable itself so that you don't have to buy special cables or the like. how these devices are the first device transmits data from the router via a cable, and a second device receives this data and sends it to the connected devices: As computers, smartphones and other devices you want to connect to the Internet.

Using a wireless pickupاستخدام لاقط لاسلكي

Of innovative solutions as well as to increase the power of the mobile Internet on your PC, Mac, Windows or Linux is the use of WiFi antenna via USB, and is the simplest and cheapest solution, and can be found in the different types and technologies. some of these external antennas can receive the WiFi connection on kilmotrat! Of course you can buy small if you want only a small contour as a House

Enhance the signal strength and wireless Internet connectivity to remote locationsتعزيز قوة الاشارة اللاسلكية وتوصيل الإنترنت لأماكن بعيدة

Finally, this is the most advanced solution, WiFi antennas, one signal and one person from one point to another, this device works on the extension of the signal in the direction of the point, and is ideal for sending it to the second round in your home, or even to link and connect the Internet between two separate, and is surely a simple and wonderful enrolling wiring installation you will need to perform this process. to purchase two WiFi antennas, for example, TP-LINK TL-WA7210N, and then the settings required to communicate with each other. The first device performs the functions of transmission, and the second would be a receiving station and distribution.
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