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Do you know the important role this widget in your charger?

هل تعرف الدور المهم الذي تلعبه هذه القطعة في شاحن حاسوب ؟

There are many who use laptop computers and are unaware of the role played bythis piece in their Chargers, although their role is very important! But this piece there only computer Chargers, you might notice its presence in many other devices, such as joysticks or phone charger in. .. Etc.

This role is called a ferrite core, they absorb energy alkhromighanatace of some electronic devices such as chargers for power latho'thr (data) in the center of the wire. It also prevents to become party to the wire in the charger as an antenna (antenna) broadcast signals parasite particular segments or in some other highly sensitive electronic devices (HI-FI (high fidelity, such as radio or computer as well ...

This piece consists of disposable carbon absorption magnet, surrounded by a piece of plastic that isolate this piece on the outside.

ferrite core

Of course, in the absence of this piece, has undergone a series of problems, for example, noise may occur in some devices acting as radio waves radio on speed example and you may hear noise as well as in your laptop speakers. And that, in the absence of this piece may be affected by the transition data wire which will prevent from completely ransacked the party the other ... Etc

I hope that I have explained to you well the role this widget on your charger, but any piece of wire to find it!
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