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Chinese young man buys 99 phone iPhone 6 request to marry his girlfriend and young rejected in front of people

In the framework of the celebration of the day when he calls Chinese Singles Day holiday, which resembles love, the young Chinese to buy 99 phone iPhone 6 is a dowry gift to his beloved ahead in front of people asking them to agree to marry him, but that was rejected by the girl which caused great embarrassment to him. 

The young man after buying all these phones valued at more than $ 80 thousand arranged on the ground at the heart of an expression of his love for her form, then the calling to the place as shown in the pictures, but the latter refused the gift idea and marry him. 


In the report published by the Daily Telegraph newspaper spoke about the young man spent a large amount equivalent to his salary for two years continuous, and told her that everything he owned to be spent in the purchase of such a large number of iPhone 6. 

The masses of the people of his friends and friends of the girl standing after he invited them to this unique event taking pictures, while some of them follow the inciting large and eagerly waiting for a positive reaction from the girl, but the end was sad refusing to marry him.

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