Child in the fifth gets a Microsoft Certified Certificate Professional!

شـــاهـــد أيـــضـــا
- Curved LCD TVs from Samsung start at less than $ 1000
- New update of Skype for Android
- Finally the Transformer turns science fiction into reality
- Learn 5 ways to protect your phone against theft and robbery
- Facebook to reveal the number of employees and turnover
- For this reason the free apps are harmful to your phone!

Learn 5 ways to protect your phone against theft and robbery
The largest alkwabs facing each other is the smart phone is lost or stolen, this device is used by some of…
SanDisk unveils new memory card with a capacity of 200 GB
Many of us know that the largest memory card capacity is 128 GB, but the company "SanDisk" revealed a…
Mark zokirbirgh requested help from Facebook users!
It is known that at the beginning of each year, the Executive Director and founder of the social…
Do you know the important role this widget in your charger?
There are many who use laptop computers and are unaware of the role played…
20 choses qui prouvent que les bébés sont juste des petits humains bourrés !
Les bébés sont des choses magnifiques, mais parfois aussi des individus pour le moins étranges…
PuzzlePhone phone that will compete Projet Ara phones from Google
It seems that Google is not the only one that works on your constituent mobile units demountable…
A new application that allows the blind to sighted eyes vision!
The technology still proves day after day it's the best way to improve the lives of people, particularly…
Spartan latest Microsoft surprises
Press sources spoke on the work of the American company Microsoft to develop a new browser dedicated…
Microsoft suitable security vulnerability exists in Windows systems since 19 years
Microsoft has this week and exactly 11 in November last year to provide security updates monthly…
Video: iPhone 6 is worth $ 3.5 million!!
$ 3.5 million!! This nearly 33 million dirham!! Is the price of a phone the iPhone 6 the company…
When my ex-boyfriend told me I wasn’t attractive enough for him anymore and that he deserved…
Google issued its list of 2014
As is usually the major Web sites, the search engine giant Google in turn decided to disclose its annual…
Ces 16 photos sont complètement innocentes... Sauf si vous avez l'esprit mal placé, bien entendu ! Ce toboggan pour les enfants, il fallait l'inventer quand-même....
Vous connaissez le principe, des photos prises l'air de rien, parfois sans même s'en rendre…
Steve Wozniak lies the "myth" of Apple's garage
There is no doubt that the story of the beginning of Apple from a small garage in my parents house Steve…