In 2014, a SMS no reply is very nearly equivalent to a heart attack. The majorityof people have their laptop to reach 99% of the day; it may explain why many areso offended when someone snubs them openly.
But aside from that, there are also people who do not at all take into account the horrible wait of the sender and put that good time seems to find a satisfactoryanswer. It does not necessarily mean that they are not interested in you, but rather that they have a life to lead also!
So instead you get excited for this, you should perhaps rejoice that they live and enjoy their lives in the open air rather than focusing on the virtual. Obviously, said like that, it sounds easy, but in general it is much more complicated to manage time.
In our head, we often think the worst of scenarios, it is so huge movies that it issometimes
Here are 55 fanciful thoughts that have the girls when a guy does not respond totheir message:
1. he purposely surely ignore me.
2. He is banging that?
3 maybe there not my message?
4 maybe he lost his mobile phone?
5. No, he just liker on Instagram photo! He has his phone...
6. This is because I'm ugly?
7 but brothel, I'm much better than him and more!
8. perhaps it plays the remote?
9 maybe I should also?
10. No, what is funny to do that?
11. I have him return a text message?
12 and why not a Snapchat to react?
13. why his three best friends on Snapchat are girls?
14 Ok, it's safe, it's another shot.
15. I wonder how many of these girls he slept.
16 maybe he took a NAP?
17. I have to take a NAP?
18 maybe if I do he'll wake up and respond.
19. I went there too strong
20... or not enough?
21. He hates me.
22. why it always happens like that?
23. most people have their laptops with them 24 hours a day.
24. I know that he saw.
25. it is in 2014, obviously that my message has arrived, it is written!
26. I'm too daunting?
27. again and again - but with which it layer?
28 maybe he is in the shower?
29. who takes long showers?
30 OK, I do it maybe, but I'm a girl!
31 maybe he masturbates?
32 but I can do it for him.
33. I wonder if he thinks about me naked.
34. I doubt it, because otherwise it would have already replied.
35 asshole.
36 perhaps it is on the phone?
37. what bitch he calls?
38. probably the girl who just posted on his wall.
39. it is even not so beautiful as that.
40 OK, agree, it is a bomb.
41. it is surely in the sport.
42. damn, I have to go to the sport?
43. why could not do sports together? It is so much more fun...
44. who made the sport when it's 30 degrees outside?
45 maybe it works?
46. I have to call it?
47 maybe I should just do a walk "the air of nothing" to him to see if there is?
48 pisses it rains, good it is forgotten.
49. my God I look like a Madwoman.
50 but hey it happens to the best not true?
51 what the fuck is happening?
52. I thought it was too good time the last time?
53. the shot I am the only one to think?
54. in any event it is too late, he missed his chance. Too bad for him!
Ah the girls... their euphoria, their impulsiveness is what makes their charm afterall!