The best girlfriend at work is almost as important as privacy. Here are 19 reasonswhich you will prove!
1 having a best friend at work means that you always have someone to whomcomplain you
about your job problems and dating you systematically morale.
about your job problems and dating you systematically morale.
2. this person is the exception to the rule that we do not mix professional life andprivate life. She knows your privacy, and you always give good advice.
3. the fact to find always gives you a good reason to get up to get to work.
4. This is the one to whom you allow yourself to ask stupid questions about thejob, without fear of being judged, or apprehension.
5 finished the days of the loose without your pads or your headphones. Whenyou forget your business at home, you know that it will be there for you save.
6. you feel free to ask if you have something stuck between your teeth and helpyou out of any other embarrassing situation.
7 finished lunches locked alone in his office. Now you have someone who isalways available for the break already.
8. with it, your coffee breaks last two times more long and you reboostent for therest of the day.
9. When you're sick, you always have someone who you wrote to asking the realreason for your absence rather than just lying to your boss.
10 evenings of the job become much less annoying because you can alwayscount on the other.
11. it is the person best placed to advise you on your professional goals anddevelopments, because not only it you knows by heart but also it knowseverything about the company.
12. with you two office rumors are circulating two times faster.
13. the number of crazy-laughs you've had together is even more in.
14. When you too loaded days, you always have someone to whom complainyou about your work.
15. vice versa when you particularly boring days, you always have someone withwhom turn you thumbs all day.
16. it gives you good advice to help improve you in your work and get your raise.
17. If you work in a business, it always gives you good ideas and inspirations,without expecting anything in return.
18. When you return from your vacation, you have at least a good motivation toreturn to work.
19. the strength of your link lies in the fact that your paths would be perhapsnever crossed outside, but now ' today you're become inseparable.
The best girlfriend job, when it was found, we can no longer do without. It is shewho makes days shorter work and gives us a reason to go to work even whenyou have more motivation. It is likely that it will eventually become your bestfriend just short...