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What falls faster: Bowling ball or feather?

ما الذي يهبط أسرع: كرة بولينج أم ريشة؟ (Youtube)

Interesting experience finally gives the answer to this intriguing question

In early modern times, set up a famous physicist, Galileo Galilei, a number of experiments that gave him the title of "father of modern physics," and made him one of the greatest scientists along the years. Galilei demonstrated, along with many of the theories that Brhenha, that objects fall
toward the ground speed is related Bozanha, but are related to the extent of the air resistance of the body.

I intend to channel BBC correspondent in the tape following the fall of the photographer test two objects from one another completely different: Bowling ball and feather. For the purpose of the experiment, the reporter to the discharge chamber (Vacuum) the largest in the world, a subsidiary of "NASA", the US space agency.
In the beginning, has been dropped one objects to the other side of the air aloft, and due to air resistance of a feather, a bowling ball and reached the largest of the land quickly. After that, the suction and discharge air from the room entirely, as it turned Chamber Vacuum; any of the empty air. It was, in these circumstances, the experiment again. Any body arrived first to the ground?Saw!

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