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The first video for "devil fish" fearsome live in the depth

For the first time photographers captures video for "devil fish" living in the depths, and is considered one of the treasures that scientists were looking for him for a long time, and finally their dream come true.
The fish also known as "Anglerfish", a type of fish angler generally large scale, and picked up earlier scenes have less than the number of fingers of one hand, this video clip from the Bay
Aquarium Research Monterey Institute is believed to be the first of its kind to fish a live swim In the depths of the ocean.
Section was recently filming in Monterey Canyon Monterey Bay in California, by diving vehicle "Doc Ricketts."
Frightening the fish that was videotaped not large in size and may appear in the video, as the length of about 10 cm only, was video recording at a depth of about 600 meters, and show the female fish and has a broken tooth.
Scientists say the males of these fish are not eligible for growth, and responsibility only seem to find a female mating with them as soon as possible, after which decays the body of the male gradually until it turns into a mass of tissue surrounding the genitals, then the female campaigning for the rest of her life, and gathered a lot of them during the period of their survival.
The aquatic biologists told "NBC": "the depths of the seas and oceans full of surprises and wonderful creatures, Humans only have only just started to explore this vast world, thanks to the development of diving equipment in the depths, and we can not imagine what has not been discovered yet."


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