There are more than four 4.4 billion people around the world do not have the Internet, and is seeking the successive governments in many countries of the world of domination and control over the flow of information. Traditional communication methods suffer a tremendous amount of restrictions, and therefore, we need to start exploring and creating other alternatives. One of these innovations is the Lantern, a device that will provide you with free access to information all over the world, using satellites.
Way to provide internet for this great and the large number of people in number, probably needs a lot of hard work as well as the budgets of billions Atarat.lkn in fact be a long-term solution to overcome the infrastructure problem in these developing countries and difficult areas and transforming the Internet into something useful for them.Inevitably such an idea requires research and many experiments, but Google and Facebook now able to develop this idea through the proposed solutions, including the use of balloons and unmanned aircraft to provide Internet service to all residents of this Alecoqb.olkn we should not forget that the satellite, have become smaller and more efficient and economical. What would save the Internet for all without government control or restrictions of any hand .okhr these innovations that rely on satellites are the so-called network Outernet and cover great distances, and the device that connects us with the so-called Lantern.
Principle and essence of this network is to choose a selection of information, and send it to a satellite, which in turn referred to all devices Lantern. This last you download this data and save a local copy of it, and therefore the user can be accessed by connecting his computer or Bahdha mobile phone.
These devices also provide more of the most sensitive, including news bulletins and alerts about natural disasters information .mpetkr this device says that a small village in the middle of Africa, for example, a single antenna can provide dozens of books and other information for 300 people.
It is noteworthy that cover Outernet now arrived in the United States, Canada, Europe and North Africa, waiting to include the rest of the world. As the price of this device has up to $ 99, which is certainly very expensive if the aim is to provide information to these poor countries most in need of this service. However, so these devices coming to market in July 2015. Link project site