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Google Launches "Contributor" alternative service for advertising on the Internet sites

جوجل تطلق خدمة " Contributor "  البديلة للإعلانات على مواقع الإنترنيت

It is known that advertising on the Internet is the main source of income for all Internet sites according to directions, but many users often do not like this, and despite the fact that there are some solutions to overcome these ads Google is working on a new service and driven to enable the user to browse the site without Ads.

And the advertising market is considered the most important digital finance companies in the world on the Internet sources, and is the Google ad platform "Google Adsense" is the largest in this area, and almost no Internet site of its advertising, which is beneficial to Google and the sites exhibiting the ads, but Many web users do not Trogahm these ads.

Perhaps there are many solutions in this regard, the famous "Adblock" Kaladhafah but they may not be effective in all cases and is prompting Google to its own alternative to the launch, but it is not free, but rather driven and is the concept of including ads Trading is field work Google, and Google will propose a new service, users pay between 1 to $ 3 in order to take advantage of browsing websites without ads.

And new service that will carry the name "Contributor" is still under experimentation on a small number of sites and users and it is not known how will the new service and full details of the work, and therefore we have to wait before the final judgment.
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