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Apple enters the world of virtual reality

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Since the two heard about the launch of Apple for a number of patents in the field of virtual reality, but it seems that Apple wants to advance more in this framework, and are now seeking to recruit young talents on the VR-level and three-dimensional technology 3D for the new project.

And is the field of virtual reality and the end of the most promising areas in the world of technology and a number of companies have already begun to exploit this fact, especially Samsung, or even Facebook, which acquired a leading company in this field and is "Oculus Rift" but also seems that Apple does not want to remain behind in the field of virtual reality.

According to sources, Apple put on its official website on the Internet offer to hire specialized engineers with respect to the default of reality and in a three-technique-dimensional 3D and will these new staff's mission is to develop applications, especially with software running on a helmet VR private Babylon interfaces, but this announcement has been withdrawn after a short period of time.

And despite the fact that Apple does not have to now any helmet virtual reality, the news earlier pointed out that the company has already developed a set of patents for a model of this machine in order to compete with Samsung and Juztha new virtual reality Galaxy Gear VR.

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