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Stephen Hawking: artificial intelligence might destroy humanity!

ستيفن هوكينج: الذكاء الاصطناعي قد يقضي على البشرية !

"Stephen Hawking" is one of the icons of modern science despite his disability to disease (ALS) deadly since his youth, and the will, and in the most khergath media said British world to artificial intelligence that threatens humanity.

And artificial intelligence is one of the branches of modern technologies that have evolved considerably during the last few, which became indispensable for the digital world where companies are still working to develop them, but Stephen Hawking the alarm with regard to this technology.

Stephen Hawking said in an interview with channel (BBC) that the intelligence technology of artificial, although very useful but are quickly evolving to the point that may exceed the human intelligence and may result in the eradication of the human race in a scenario similar to the story of the film "Terminator" was quoted by the French news agency.

British world he is not against modern technologies but on the contrary, he wasthe first who have tried the Internet in its infancy.

And the Stephen Hawking suffers from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis fatal disease since he was 21 years of age and which caused him complications led him to become paralysed and unable to speak before Intel processors have developed a special computer system connected to his chair through which hawking can control the movement of his wheelchair and communicate using sound generator and the issuance of orders by the movement of his eyes and head.

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