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Reasons prevent you from success

Amid the frenetic quest for success, erring one way and remain stuck between failure and success. Failover however is unable to access the success, in this article I give you 11 a reason preventing you from success. I of course did not do, to uselessness..

1. watch television very much

Watching television for long periods don't come back you have no benefit, and believe me, not seen for short periods and.The channels only offer advertising to your motivation to buy something, this includes paragraphs further disperse you, do you really need this kind of nonsense? Many research connected between watching television for more than 4 hours a day and the deterioration of mental faculties, especially acquired as reading and writing. While my friend is precious stuff to human, do not waste it in front of this colorful Fund..

2. play a lot

Play a lot in a way that overstated proven; you are wasting a lot of time on things that are useless and unproductive. Not bad, of course, some playing for recreation and resist the pressures, depression, but all that more severely turned on him. The wise my friend compromise between excessive and compromising, they watched a play well and give good things in time to come. Let your dispersants and focused on doing things produced..

3. lack of time management

Follow time management work boring, of course, but it is useful and helpful as well as an important tool to organize and maximize productivity. Track and note your time carefully helps you to reduce wastage in wasted time, and making it new. Will amaze even held for paper and pencil for tracing your week, how you sleep?, how many require between social networks?, how much you lost on the Café, lounge reading?. If you are lucky enough, the success of your inquiry and you will know why.

4. don't wake up early

You wake up late meant that the remaining you today less than waking up early!.An irrefutable sign of laziness and poor productivity, don't be surprised that you have not yet succeeded. Waking up early is one of the first steps to success and increased opportunities in front of you. The pond in the early grades and starts the day with positive energy are significant, for me. ..

5. Alex for

Being lazy is a very serious bug, contrary to your plan to reach success. It is laziness do not spawn until more laziness and poor performance and failure, resisted by all means as much as you want. And remember that Allah Almighty bless the whole bird, but does not receive them in the nest, so "little" atlhalh...

6. don't listen to yourself

People are not successful or not so lucky after the prisoners to the ideas of others. Eat and drink like them, act like them etc etc, the "herd" as you have guessed now. When will heed your thoughts?, do what works for you is what suits others and obtain approval. As far as believing your thoughts move and do, how you ask us to trust you and your thoughts; if you're not sure of ...1

7. lacked the skills of critical analysis

Most people-not successful-not to ask questions about what they read, see, know?. Although Uncle Haji "Ibn Khaldun" said long ago that "acts of the mind in the news" and not take everything at face value or as is. The question is important because it develops your skills of critical analysis, every significant development in human life began with a question from someone in.

8. have patience

Everything has to be a time for completeness, to flush back, the seed becomes a tree in years, there is a wisdom of progressive things. Patience is very important in each successful, do not rush the results or achievements. I work hard and thoughtfully and intelligently and let your business accumulates every day; it will gain your entitlement with time.

9. are not recorded but thought it

How did you come up with a brilliant idea and glamorous in the shower, or driving or sitting at a café?, dozens of course maybe thousands. How much arecodified on the paper? And tameltha a little, put your expertise and your knowledge and made it a "project" as. Successful people are always accompanied by pencil and paper, understanding a plan, and without them the modern remains wishful thinking. Without your ideas and personal experiences and try to "ttdberhm" a little bit, and you'll see for yourself the difference..

10. hostile to innovation

Successful people always looking for new and creative ways and creative, to test themselves and the world around them. In contrast to the "not succeeded" understanding always prisoners of outdated customs and traditions, and we know that if water stagnated rot as opposed to running water. Try to allow themselves flexibility in everything you do and find the best way to creativity with do, this will take you to success.

11. do not have strong targets

Only the successful candidates possess strong targets, remind themselveseveryday. If getting this ticket daily to work differently and best, and lead you to the best, this means that your utopian or unrealistic. Must live in order to lead Central battles small life..


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