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Company replace phones staff phones 57.000 lumia

شركة تستبدل هواتف 57.000 من موظفيها بهواتف لوميا

While stating a lot of news and reports on the fact that Windows phones iPhone not profitable for the manufacturers some seem to not share this point of view and especially German cars BMW manufacturing co., which decided to replace its phones phones Microsoft lumia.

And various press sources including site UBERGIZMO "has confirmed that German automaker BMW has decided to replace the phones of its 57,000 new phones coming to us company Microsoft, and it would be a boost for the company, especially with the problems encountered after the rejection of a number of manufacturers producing smart phones with Windows phone.

According to the sources, the BMW would be a number of smart phones to its 57,000 will customize the phones of lumia 630 regular staff and lumia 930 for executives and is a process that will require a few months will work with Microsoft to prepare the order.

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